Terms & Conditions


We continually try to bring the highest quality devices and best service to each of our customers, we work here as we like phones, phone repairs and generally phone culture.

At times there may be issues and we will do everything we can within our power to resolve any issue as quickly and to the highest standards.

Saying this, we are aware that phones are mobile and accidents happen of which no one is to blame, no one drops their phone on purpose or it falls into a toilet.

We have repaired thousands of phones of which very few cannot be fixed, I have personally repaired phones that have fallen from 3 story buildings and on kitchen tiles, fallen into the sea, toilet and slurry pit or rolled over by cars, tractors and lorries.

We know these things happen and so we cannot stand over every occurrence, we will accommodate to the best of our ability but minding the device is the best method, a good strong case, high quality cables and plugs prevent future problems.

You mind the outside of the phone and we will mind the inside for a year from your purchase date.

Thank you

Steve from Techneek 


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